Children's edutainment
Zeg mij een woord, dan hoor ik een woord
Toon mij een plaatje, dan hoor ik wel duizend woorden
Maar, vertel mij een verhaal, dan zie ik een miljoen plaatjes
What is edutainment?
Edutainment is entertainment that educates. Learning happens when it is fun and when there is participation or involvement. This applies to all ages and even more to children. Makheni gets children lost in the wonderland of animals that speak and gets them singing, dancing, clapping, laughing and she even throws in some percussion while they learn.
One of the biggest challenges children of all ages face today is bullying. Makheni believes we can bully-proof our children to make sure they do not turn into bullies and help them to survive bullying when it does happen by equipping them with essential life skills like self-acceptance, self-confidence and assertiveness. An effective way of acheiveing that is through fun, hence 'Edutainment'.
Why Makheni?
For ages
4 - 104!

Edutainment is entertainment that educates. Learning happens when it is fun and when there is participation or involvement. This applies to all ages and even more to children. Makheni gets children lost in the wonderland of animals that speak and gets them singing, dancing, clapping and throws in some percussion while they learn.
One of the biggest challenges children of all ages face today is bullying. Makheni believes we can bully-proof our children to make sure they do not turn into bullies and help them to survive bullying when it does happen by equipping them with essential life skills like self-acceptance, self-confidence and assertiveness. An effective way of acheiveing that is through fun hence 'Edutainment'